Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Whole Wheat Hamburger Buns

I have been looking at this recipe for about 5 years now meaning to make it and I finally did and I will never go back to store bought white buns again.  I expected to hear some complaining from my kids at the change but instead they all sat down and gobbled it up even saying they liked it.  What was really convenient was that I made small buns and small patties for the younger kids so they could hold it and eat it with ease.  It also made enough to freeze and pull out next week when we have BBQ beef sandwiches for dinner.  My next post will be whole wheat bread which I made the same day as the buns,  they used a lot of the same ingredients so it made it a breeze.

3 1/2 Cups warm water
3/4 Cup sugar ( I used honey but you could also use agave)
1 Cup oil ( I did this first time but from now on it will be apple sauce or cottage cheese)
6 Tbls. yeast
1 Tbls. salt
2 eggs slightly beaten ( I used 6 Tbls. flax meal and 2 Tbls. water as a substitute)
10 1/2 cups whole wheat flour
Combine water, sugar, oil and yeast.  Mix then add remaining ingredients and mix well.  Roll out to desired thickness. (Mine was about 1/4 inch thick and did rise to be about double a sandwich thin that you buy at the store.  Since I like the thin sandwich thins I think I will go even thinner next time on some for me but keep this same thickness for the kids.) Preheat oven to 425 degrees.  Cut out using what ever you have I use a Ziploc container that had a screw on lid so the edge was pretty sharp and for the little burgers I used a small biscuit cutter.
 Place one circle on top of the other and let rise for 15 min. ( I let mine rise longer because my house was cold or maybe they just need longer).  Bake for 10 to 12 min. or until lightly golden brown.  I didn't do anything fancy with mine just to keep the kids happy but you could sprinkle with sesame seeds or what ever you like. I used my favorite wheat cook book for this it is called Wheat Cookin Made Easy, definitely a great resource if you plan to use wheat.

1 comment:

  1. This looks easy enough for me to do! Do you think it would work for hot dog buns too?


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